Developments often require an initial bat survey called a Daytime Bat Walkover Survey. This maybe a stand-alone survey or undertaken as part of a
preliminary ecological appraisal. This bat survey determines the likelihood of bats being affected by your development and ascertains the need for further surveys.
Daytime Bat Walkover Survey (DBW)A daytime bat walkover survey involves a site visit to look for evidence of bats and to assess roosting potential for bats. This bat survey includes desk research into current and historical bat activity on or near your site. This bat survey will identify the need for further bat surveys and will be presented to you as a preliminary roost assessment report.
Presence/Absence SurveysBat surveys are necessary where there is a potential for bats to be present or negatively affected by a development. Bat surveys inform reports and mitigation plans that are required for development projects that could affect bats.
Surveys are undertaken by a Natural England licenced bat surveyor using bat survey methods informed by the Bat
Conservation Trust publication Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists – Good
Practice Guidelines (Collins, J. (4th Ed) 2023).
To arrange a bat survey call us on 0191 7160275
or email